Eight scouts and leader Jason Andrew attended the 2019 Murraylands Jamboree at Tailem Bend S.A.

The scouts Rohan, Coby, Gemma, Charlotte, Pim, Jake, Brayden and Tameyh with leader Jason Andrew presented a power point presentation on their experiences at the Jamboree.

Six patrols of six scouts with 4 adult leaders in each troop. 12,000 scouts attended from Australia and International Countries. The site was dusty and rocky.

Activities included The Cube, Bang, Splat, Trade Mall, Shooting, Mud Pit and Market Day with evening performances with fireworks at beginning and end of Jamboree.

Post Jamboree met up with fellow troop members from Melbourne.

Jason was assigned to busing as each day 4,000 scouts left site for day activities.

The scouts thanked the Rotary Club for their support in enabling them to attend this outstanding event in their Scouting Life.