Cathy Booth, spoke on her founding of Umoja Orphanage in Kenya.
Started from nothing, in 2011 holidaying in Kenya was impacted by the poverty and the need for a children's home, returned three times before purchasing 15 acres of land after many meetings in Kenya.
134 volunteers, mostly Rotarians, backbone of project, raising money step by step.
Except for houses, everything built by volunteers. First structure was a caretaker's house in 2014 commenced building the first house, which was finished and ready to receive children in 2016. In 2018 commenced fundraising for second house, a family home, not a dormitory.
Orphanage is involved with community assisting in medical treatment and workshops in agriculture.
Proceeds from farm cattle and chickens and vegetable gardens providing funds for orphanage.
Children have been abandoned or sexually abused and chosen by Government Department to attend orphanage.
Last year drought followed by floods lost crops. COVID-19 Safari Business had no clients, sponsorship decreased.
Seeking contributions towards second home and sponsorship of children. Slowly the farm is recovering and able to sell harvest.
In Kenya every 15 seconds a child is orphaned, with 2 million orphans. Vulnerability of orphaned children to abuse.
Pride in staff.
"We are achieving the extraordinary".
Chairman John Watson with guest speaker Cathy Booth via Zoom frpm Queensland.