Jeff Stanyer was guest speaker at the combined Rotary Club, RSL Club meeting.

He joined the Navy in 1964 & served for 21 years. The well known Cerberus ship was launched in 1868. It was never used as a combat ship but as a guard ship & was finally towed to Black Rock where she remains today.

 After Federation in 1901 the Commonwealth Navy Force came into existence & took over the Colonnial ships. In 1911 the Australian Navy came into being.

 Jeff joined the Navy in 1964 doing an apprenticeship. His first sea posting was on a destroyer going to Vietnam. He served on a gun line, doing 2, 6 month rotations doing naval bombardment. Jeff recalled his memories of battle on the Hobart Ship & provided an extensive history of the Ships during the WWI, WWII, Malaysian, Korean & Vietnam wars.