Jenny Green lost her 26 year old daughter to suicide. Not wanting other families to suffer as she did the Rock It Foundation was formed.
The Rock It Foundation, helps those in need of immediate psychiatric treatment by paying for their psych appointments right away instead of being on the public systems waitlist potentially causing a lot more pain.
As her daughters passion was pole dancing a fundraising gala is organised.
This pole dancing extravaganza is in memory of Jacklyn Louise Williams, who on September 28th 2017 took her own life. Jacklyn was an extremely talented dancer and in honour of her, multiple dancers from all across Victoria came together to put on a show to raise funds for the Rock It Foundation.
The aim is to raise awareness of mental health and stop suicide.
Jenny asked members to make time to ask are you OK. Covid is making people go into their shells with no interaction. Step into their shoes for a day and be there for them.